50 000 users in the construction industry!

We are Norway’s leading supplier of software, services and courses within disciplines such as HSE, quality assurance, building permit applications, estimation and project management. Our core strengths are our long and diverse industry experience combined with our professional and technological expertise.

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Holte Kontrakt

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Contracts are a vital part of all construction projects, regardless of their size or contract form. Holte Kontrakt contains standard consumer forms and Standards Norway’s contracts between professionals The forms can easily be completed and saved under your project in HoltePortal.


Holte Dokumentasjon

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With this ingenious app, you can easily document your work through every phase of the construction project and share it with everyone involved.


Holte Personalstyring

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Holte Personal helps you keep track of your organization and the people in it. You have access to a wide range of personnel documents, which allows you to easily store and keep all required and relevant documents for each employee. 


Holte Rutiner HMS/KS

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Good procedures are vital if a company is to achieve its objectives and projects are to be carried out with a high level of quality and appropriate HSE. Web- and app-based solutions for managing procedures offer many advantages. They make procedures easier to maintain and follow.


Holte Inspeksjon

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Holte Inspection is a tool for conducting various types of inspections. For example, safety rounds.


Holte Blankett

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Holte Blankett includes application forms and forms for building applications, and is organised to give you a clear overview and structure for your building applications. Once your application is ready to submit, you can opt to print out your application or submit it to the municipal authority via e-mail.


Holte Ressursplanlegger

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Are you good at planning your employees’ time? Do you know which of them has a lot or little to do from day to day? With Holte Ressursplanlegger, you get a complete overview, which can help improve your profitability.


Holte Kundedeling

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A new tool for quick and easy sharing of photos from the construction process directly with the customer – trough a customer sharing page on the web. This way you may involve the customer and ensure the quality of the process.

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