50 000 users in the construction industry!

We are Norway’s leading supplier of software, services and courses within disciplines such as HSE, quality assurance, building permit applications, estimation and project management. Our core strengths are our long and diverse industry experience combined with our professional and technological expertise.

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From 445,- /month.

The FDV-nøkkelen (Management, Operations and Maintenance (MOM) key) reference work contains lots of useful cost data and invaluable advice regarding how you can manage construction projects efficiently. It covers all areas within the budgeting, planning and control of cost data linked to MOM.



From 1 170,- /month.

uk.no is a web-based app which makes it easy for you to carry out checks on all project classes. The app includes checklists for the performance of checks, and the dispatch of notifications concerning checks and non-conformities, automatic report generation, etc.


Holte Online

Contact us for price information

With our online solution, you can log in to the app from any PC or Mac and gain access to your own data via the internet. We offer an online solution for Byggsafe Total, Smart Senter and JobOffice.


Special offer for all graduates: Half price on all Holte apps

Contact us for price information

Dear graduate,

You have recently learned how to use software from Holte. How about getting your own licence? As a graduate, you now have the chance to purchase apps with a special student discount of no less than 50%.

We are also offering you a 20% discount on the annual licence fee.

You can contact us on 45 50 60 70 or send us a request