
Many people waste valuable time on long-winded project management tasks and paperwork. With HoltePortal, you get access to everything you need via your PC or mobile app, no matter where you are. You save a lot of time while retaining complete control over your project.

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From 899,- /month.

Holte Basis HMS

From 899,- /month.


From 1 849,- /month.

Quality assurance system with professional content and templates. Contract module, timekeeping and Kalkulasjonsnøkkelen

HSE system with professional content and templates, as well as timekeeping for up to 3 employees

QA and HSE system with professional content and templates, contract module, timekeeping and Kalkulasjonsnøkkelen. Application forms, resource management and photo sharing with customers



Holte Rutiner GDPR

A digital solution for handling routines and complying with the Personal Data Act. Contains a number of examples of routines that easily can be adjusted to your company’s needs.

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Holte Prosjektsenter/ CRM

Easily register customers or contacts in the systems contact register and use them in the projects you manage. All employees involved with a job can be assigned to the project and see their tasks. Save your documents directly on to the project to make sure that they always are available.

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Holte Time

Many find the task of registering hours tedious and time demanding, however, this is in many cases the basis for making money. Holte TIME is a perfect tool when you need to register hours worked, mileage allowance, toll fees, etc. Easily register and manage your work hours on your smartphone, as soon as the job is done. 

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Holte Avvik

By registering both minor and major faults during the process, the company gains an excellent basis for preventing any further errors. Using HoltePortal’s non-conformity app, you can do this quickly and efficiently!

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Holte Sjekklister

With Holte Sjekklister, you get an app that will facilitate effective and efficient quality assurance of your work. You can fill in checklists electronically using apps and avoid the hassles associated with paperwork and bulky folders. You also gain more control over your QA work and make sure you have the documentation you need.

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Holte Rutiner KS

Good quality assurance procedures are vital if a company is to achieve its objectives and projects are to be carried out with a high level of quality. Web- and app-based solutions for managing procedures offer many advantages. The procedures are both easier to maintain and to comply with.

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Holte Kontrakt

Contracts are a vital part of all construction projects, regardless of their size or contract form. Holte Kontrakt contains standard consumer forms and Standards Norway’s contracts between professionals The forms can easily be completed and saved under your project in HoltePortal.

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Kalkulasjonsnøkkelen is Norway’s most popular estimating tool – an updated price database containing prices for each discipline based on the subdivision used in NS 3450. It contains over 4,400 prices for new-build, alteration and demolition projects. All prices are structured with time spent and material usage according to market figures.

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Holte Dokumentasjon

With this ingenious app, you can easily document your work through every phase of the construction project and share it with everyone involved.

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Holte Risikoanalyse

Risk analysis in projects can prevent personal injury and other undesirable incidents at the building site, with financial or environmental consequences.

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Holte Personalstyring

Holte Personal helps you keep track of your organization and the people in it. You have access to a wide range of personnel documents, which allows you to easily store and keep all required and relevant documents for each employee. 

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Holte Rutiner HMS/KS

Good procedures are vital if a company is to achieve its objectives and projects are to be carried out with a high level of quality and appropriate HSE. Web- and app-based solutions for managing procedures offer many advantages. They make procedures easier to maintain and follow.

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Holte Inspeksjon

Holte Inspection is a tool for conducting various types of inspections. For example, safety rounds.

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Holte Faktura

Send invoices, payment reminders and credit notes with ease with Holte FAKTURA. You can add registered work hours and expenses to the invoice before you send it to the customer.



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Holte Blankett

Holte Blankett includes application forms and forms for building applications, and is organised to give you a clear overview and structure for your building applications. Once your application is ready to submit, you can opt to print out your application or submit it to the municipal authority via e-mail.

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Holte Ressursplanlegger

Are you good at planning your employees’ time? Do you know which of them has a lot or little to do from day to day? With Holte Ressursplanlegger, you get a complete overview, which can help improve your profitability.

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Holte Kundedeling

A new tool for quick and easy sharing of photos from the construction process directly with the customer – trough a customer sharing page on the web. This way you may involve the customer and ensure the quality of the process.

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